Equality and Diversity – 2023 Results
As a firm that is licensed to undertake uncontentious probate, we are required by the ICAEW to undertake a diversity data survey and to publish a summary of results on our website.
The results of the survey reflect our firm policy on equality and diversity. The firm is staffed fairly equally by men and women (45%/55%), with 36% being under 35 years old, 55% being under 44 years old, and 9% being over 65 years old. 80% of the staff are either qualified staff or working towards a qualifiation. These results were up to date as at 31 October 2023.
We are a proudly inclusive employer, and do not discriminate against anyone of the grounds of age, religion or with any protected charateristics. Furthermore, we oppose the unlawful discrimination of our clients.